
Thursday, December 8, 2022

A mix of projects

Do you work on more than one project at a time? And if so, where do the pieces go when you switch from project to project?  Mine end up on the end of my ironing board - which I'm not going to photograph this week because it's embarrassing.

I made the effort on Wednesday to clean off that ironing board.  First up was getting Olivia's pillowcase made.  It has a piano key print. She's into music and swim team right now.  That makes 2 of the 5 finished for the grandkids' Christmas stockings.  The other 3 are now pinned and ready to sew.  I use the "sausage roll" method so there are absolutely no raw edges on these.  Maybe I'll get them done today.

Next up was prepping the binding for Hello Birdie.  I picked it up from the quilter a few days ago, and now it's ready to do the hand stitching down of that binding.  The quilt and binding strips had been draped over - guess where?  The ironing board.  

There were some partial string sections mixed in with some other various block parts and pieces underneath everything else on that ironing board.  I've been using them as leaders/enders as I worked on other projects lately.  So now those partial string blocks are completed Rainbow Connection blocks, and hanging neatly in the closet with the other 9 made during 2022 for Rainbow Scrap Challenge months.  They finish at 11", so more will need to be made during RSC23 to make a nice big quilt. Have I mentioned that my color sorted scrap bins are still overflowing in spite of so much scrappy sewing this year?  It's just ridiculous to have so many scraps and never seem to use them up. 

The other block parts and pieces (Plaid and Scrappy Irish Chain blocks) laying on the ironing board were also sewn.  No more partial blocks are laying there, which doesn't happen often.   

However - now there are block pieces laying on my cutting board.  Do you see the overflowing small box in the upper left corner?  That is the box for 3.5" squares cut from scraps and I knocked it off the table accidentally, making a whole new mess.  It was actually already a mess because it's overflowing.  Still is overflowing.  But while putting squares back in the box, I sorted out any that I thought could work in an I-Spy quilt using that Plaid block pattern below.  For each block I need 4 squares (3.5"), 1.5" strips, and a postage stamp (1.5") for the center square.  These Plaid blocks will make an excellent I-Spy quilt for donation.  

And yes - I'm still procrastinating about that applique I'm avoiding.  But the ironing board is now cleaned off, at least until the next WIP project moves over there. 


  1. for me each project has its own area. You should get some of those plastic cases to keep your projects in or something else that suits you

  2. I pile things on my ironing board and cutting table. Earlier this week I finally tackled the pile of smaller pieces left over from previous quilts. They are cut into useable sizes and stashed away for another project. I need to concentrate on reducing the pieces in the scrap bins, now that they are filled. I tend to have only one quilt project in the works at a time, but sometimes I have multiple knitting projects going.

  3. I do work on more than one project at a time and end up with piles on my cutting table. With this smaller quilting room, I take care of the piles more quickly. In my old house I had a LOT more room for piles and, therefore, had a lot more piles. All of your projects are so much fun! I don't remember... what pattern did you use for your birdie quilt?

  4. Oh yes I do work on more than 1 project. And yes there are piles sitting around here, there and everywhere. Sometimes it just drives me nuts, wishing for another room so I could be more organized. I do have some rhyme and reason for some stuff though;) I do try to keep the ironing board(big board) cleaned off and also my cutting table mostly cleaned off.

  5. Hello Birdie i going to be a really cute quilt! I really like your bright colored blocks...that one should be stunning!


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