
Saturday, December 3, 2022

Another RSC quilt top - Nanci's Stars

One more RSC project has reached the quilt top stage.  This is Nanci's Stars.

The darker blocks in this quilt were made using the monthly colors during 2022.  The lighter blocks were made this fall to alternate with the dark ones, and to make the quilt bigger.  It began with the blue blocks below that were part of a batik table runner kit I was gifted.  The kit and other quilty goodies were given to me after a friend (Nanci) passed away suddenly.  Her stash was divided up among friends and various charities, with the hopes it would be used.  All of the rest of the batiks used in this quilt came from my own stash.  

Once this one is quilted, I plan to give it to her sisters to choose an appropriate charity to donate it to, possibly as a fundraiser.  Or just to a needy cause.  Nanci and her late husband were community minded people, so I think it's fitting for me to donate the quilt that began with Nanci.   

There was a bit more scrap busting going on this week, but this was based upon pure procrastination.  These blocks will most likely be a part of my scrap challenge for next year.  But I made a few now -  just because I wanted to play with scraps.  And because I'm avoiding the applique project currently laying on my ironing board. 

I'm linking up with Rainbow Scrap Challenge today:


  1. it is nice getting in some finishes isn't it

  2. That has turned into a beautiful quilt top, Sara! Such a nice way to honor your friend Nanci. I'm in a procrastinating frame of mind lately, too - it's definitely fun to just piece up some blocks and play with scraps!

  3. Congratulations for the flimsy! Do you quilt it yourself?

  4. Productive procrastination, Sara, and congrats on your completed RSC quilt top!!

  5. lol procrastination.... do what is easy and fun first! I like those little gifts blocks at the bottom, all of it but especially those

  6. Way to go and it is perfect to donate or fundraise! So many people are in need.

  7. Nancy's Stars looks wonderful, and it's a lovely thought to give the finished quilt back to the family to use for their favourite charity. I had an intake of breath when I saw your practice blocks, got an idea of what to do with some boys fabric for another donation quilt, thanks very much.

  8. Nanci’s Stars is a really pretty quilt! Wonderful idea to give it back to the family! Cute practice blocks. I especially like the first set. Does that block have a name or is it an original?

  9. Who ever gets Nanci's Stars is going to be lucky, it's so pretty! I have enjoyed seeing you put this one together.

  10. Oh I really really like Nancis stars - the alternating blocks are really cool and bring out all the colors!

  11. A flimsy is almost a finish so great work! Stay safe and sew on !


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