
Monday, December 12, 2022

Design Wall Monday - December 12

On Saturday's post I showed the project box storage units I use in my sewing room for storing all the parts for particular projects - and there were questions asked about these units.  Don't let this fool you into thinking I'm a really organized person.  In this case yes, but the rest of my sewing space leans toward chaos most of the time.  However, this does help me keep patterns and fabrics pulled all in one spot. And the project boxes are portable so I can just grab one to take to a class or retreat. Example: there is a box for the Sewcialites 2 weekly block project.  It's holding the patterns, the finished blocks, and any fabrics that I plan to repeat in those blocks such as a background.  And there is a box for Saturday Sampler, a monthly sew-along.  

Mine were ordered from Amazon.  It's called a "rolling scrapbooking storage" unit, and comes in white or black.  They come with 6 clear plastic project boxes too, but the ones I already had from Walmart or Hobby Lobby also fit.


I left the wheels off mine, and stacked 2 of the units.  They are more stable without the wheels.  I have just ordered one more unit.  I may or may not put the wheels onto the new one, but it will fit under the table in my sewing room, which is a bonus.  I tape a label on the front of each 12" project box that tells me what's in them.  Once I completely finish a project then I empty that box, file or give away the pattern, put the leftover fabric into the stash, and pull off that paper label.  Then it's ready for a new project and a new label telling me what's in it.  

The top of the unit even has little indented tray areas to hold "stuff".  

Today I'm working on getting a couple of these boxes ready to hold projects that will be my priority ones for 2023.  A fresh start for a new year, right?  

What's on your design wall today?


  1. Looks like a great way for you to have your current projects stored. I have something similar for scrapbook and beading. Also some smaller ones for more stamps/inks etc.

  2. I like that - would be nice to have one with deep bins for storing fabric by color instead of the cubes I have under my tables - would be nice to roll them out but the bins - if the same as the kind I have are kind of narrow for storing a lot of fabric.

  3. That’s a great way to keep project components together! I don’t have room for one in my sewing room, but if I did, I’d order it.

  4. I too use those project boxes. Recently I added some zippered clear plastic pouches that work really well too. I have some long, ongoing projects in the boxes and (hopefully) shorter projects in the pouches. I hope you are having good luck getting forward progress made on some of your projects.

  5. Do I understand correctly that those are boxes with lids? I bought two similar scrapbook units and they have drawers rather than lidded boxes. Still very handy, though.

  6. Good organization, I use that same system.

  7. I like your clear plastic storage tower. Nice. I use old shoe boxes and put a little tag label hanging out of the box. When I finish the UFO, the box gets another project in it, with a new tag label. Yours is much prettier than my method. Nice that one of the towers fits under your sewing table too! Thanks for linking with Design Wall Mondays, Judy


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