
Monday, January 2, 2023

Design Wall Monday - a clean slate for 2023

 A new year holds such promise.  I am hoping that 2023 is awesome - at least after we get through this next winter storm.    

See that "peachy" circle with the 24.5" written on it?  That was the snowfall estimate late last night for our immediate area.  We'll see what actually accumulates.  But either way I'll be safe at home, and probably sewing.  

The first finish of 2023 will hopefully be this bag.  The hard part is done and the handwork remains. A couple more bags are cut out and ready to sew.  

Once the handwork on the bag is done I plan to work on a project that has been cut out for awhile, but no sewing has been done on it yet.  This is a Quick Strippee child size quilt.  The color for January for RSC is bright blue and there is quite a bit of bright blue in this one.  Plus it's on my UFO list for 2023, and was ONE of the projects on the #3 spot on my multiple page list, which was the number drawn for the APQ UFO Challenge for January.  

Our family Christmas finally happened over New Years.  The grandkids and grand dogs were fun to have around for 3 days.  It's awfully quiet around here suddenly.  Olivia, Sophia (in her cute short haircut), Jack, Mason (oldest & about to be taller than me), and Jonah.  Olivia is holding Ginger and Samson wasn't sure he wanted to be in the picture. 

Our family tradition for Christmas is a seafood feast - here in landlocked beef country.  I didn't get a photo of the seared scallops cooked by one son-in-law - but they were fabulous.  The other son-in-law steamed 9 pounds of crab.  I made salad and some snack type things.  Daughter #1 brought dessert - apple pie.  It was all absolutely delicious!  Most of the kids had breaded shrimp, but a couple of them ate quite a bit of crab too.  We had a yummy mix of steamed Dungeness crab, snow crab, and some king crab.  Yum, yum, yum!

Happy New Year!!

I'm linking up with Design Wall Monday this morning . . .


  1. Your meal sounds delicious! The farmer got carryout pizza for us yesterday, it was an easy start to the new year. Happy stitching and I hope your electric stays on if you get that much snow!

  2. Your seafood feast sounds so delicious! Glad you were a able to finally gather. It happened for us also. Eeek I hope you don't get that much snow. How's it looking there this morning. We are on the edge so they don't know how much for us.

  3. your dinner of crab legs and other things is what we had at Thanksgiving at one of our daughter's - it was actually the day after the holiday and wow it was good but so hard to get the meat out of those legs!

  4. It’s nice that the cousins are close to the same age: I’m sure they share a lot of activities and memories. Seafood is a treat for landlocked Wyomingites, too.

  5. What a lovely project to start the year with!
    The seafood feast has my mouth watering!

  6. Sounds like a wonderful celebration!!
    and snow.. we have some too - but not like that - Holee Cow!! STay warm!! and sew a lot!!

  7. Sounds like a fabulous Christmas. We did my family Christmas this weekend as well.

  8. Everything aside, I want to adopt that sweet, bright and so adorable frog!!! Any ideas? Wishing you and yours a very happy new year!

  9. Fun to see your grands! And the Grand dogs too! Your choice of meal sounds great!


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