
Monday, January 30, 2023

Design Wall Monday - next UFO in line

 Since I'm working on binding one UFO, I pulled out another on Friday for some planning. 

It all started when I went to the Winter Crazy Days sale at my local quilt shop, where I saw a couple of fabrics that just seemed perfect for simple borders for the Country Bunnies UFO.  And yes - I also found some other "hard to resist" things, including a couple panels and a table runner kit.

This botanical print is going to be the outer border with the aqua used for a narrow inner border and binding.  It has the aqua, green, yellow, orange, red, and brown that I also used in the bunny blocks.  The color in the photo below is very weird, as all of the colors are much less "bright" than they look in the picture.  That yellow just screams in the picture, but is actually much more muted. 

This UFO has been in the planning stage for too long.  The blocks themselves were part of my Rainbow Scrap Challenge collection.  I had a variety of ideas for layouts but kept dismissing each one.  The blocks are rectangles, so some plans just didn't work.  I ended up just sewing them together without any sashing, and I think it lets the bunnies be the star without any other distractions.

Adding these borders will be part of my February goals.  

What's on your Design Wall this morning?


  1. I love those bunnies!! I have had bunnies on my mind lately and think I figured out one for a table runner.

  2. Those bunnies are soooo cute!!! What a fun project!

  3. I love your bunnies - they're so fun in all the colors! Looks like you found the perfect border fabric, too.

  4. Darling bunnies and the fabric you got the finish it is just perfect! Can't wait to see it done.

  5. Oh my goodness, Sara, these are too stinking cute. And they make me yearn for Spring. The butts and tails are so adorable!!! I bet you are having fun picking fabrics and sewing each one of them.

  6. Cute bunnies. They are going to look great with the border fabric and inner border. Hope to see it soon.


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