
Sunday, January 8, 2023

Frosty morn

 This was the view down our street yesterday morning . . .

The sun was shining brightly after quite a foggy start to the day. The trees were covered with frost, and sparkled in the sunlight.  The piles of snow are high, but our city has done a pretty good job of removing snow on major streets.  


  1. snow is so pretty but as it melts - well I never like the look of it then! But I always like the look of the trees being so white against a blue sky

  2. Snow IS beautiful when it's sunshine and cold, but BRRRR! I don't miss it! :)

  3. The frosted trees looks so pretty! Snow is lovely when you don't have to go out in it, happy stitching!

  4. Wow! Bare ground here. It's going to be in the 30's the next couple of days. I've missed my walks. (I know I could go to the rec center and do laps but that's not the same...)


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