
Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Snow days are sew days

 Well . . . we've had a LOT of snow the past couple of days, and it added up quickly.

My husband scatters bird seed on the ground for the flock of wild turkeys that visit a couple of times a day.  But on Monday we found a couple of them had discovered the seed dropped ON the deck (by birds and squirrels) under the bird feeders and had flown up onto the railing, and then sat directly on the deck floor to eat. By nightfall on Monday we had about 5" of new snow.  Dave went out with the snowblower after supper and cleared the driveway.

By Tuesday morning - early - we had at least another 8-10" that came down overnight.  The piles on the deck railing were perfectly formed when I first got up, but by daylight the birds had begun to show up and were disturbing those perfect piles.  There was a beautiful male cardinal on the feeder just outside my office window for a long time.  But unfortunately I didn't get a picture of him. 

Our deck is well protected from wind as our house wraps around it on 3 sides.  I went out about 11 am Tuesday to shovel a path to the bird feeders.  My yardstick showed we'd had about 20 inches.  By 1 pm that path was mostly filled in as the wind had increased and the snow was still falling.  Dave went out about 10:30 Tuesday morning with the snowblower and cleared the driveway once more. 

Needless to say, I spent most of the day on Tuesday in my sewing room.  The snowflake pillow just needs some finishing handwork.  Block #9 for Sewcialites from last week is done in all 4 colorways and sizes.  The block is New Plus Old, by Brigitte Heitland.  I've sewn about half of the strips together for the Quick Strippee quilt.  And I made 4 small blue heart blocks along with a couple of blue pyramid blocks.  A very productive day!

And I'm guessing my husband is going to wait until about noon to use the snowblower to clear the driveway one more time.  The city plows probably won't be by until afternoon anyway.  


  1. you are certainly getting a lot of snow this year - I have never seen wild turkeys come to the feeders or deck here

  2. Turkeys on the porch rail, that's not something you see everyday. It gave me a chuckle. We see and hear around here but they are really skittish.

  3. Laramie escaped the brunt of the storm as it tracked further north. Little under 2” here, but other parts of the state had nearly two feet.

  4. I am glad you were tucked away safe from the storm! You had a productive sewing day for sure. Our bird feeder had icicles hanging from it's roof. Rain, sleet, snow off and on all day. Not much snow accumulated 2-3".

  5. Whoosh!! You got a LOT of snow!!!
    Perfect for stitching the day away!!!

  6. You really did get a lot of snow. However, you made the most of your snow / sew day. Love those blocks. I'm behind on my Sewcialites blocks because we aren't home. Hope to catch up this weekend after we get home. Stay warm and Happy New Year.

  7. This last snow missed us! WE have enough!! I am sure you will be keeping busy!


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