
Wednesday, February 22, 2023


 Good thing I had written and scheduled both Monday and Tuesday posts on Sunday afternoon - because it wouldn't have happened otherwise.  A nasty stomach bug hit out house, but we're finally on the mend - somewhat. 

Sunday evening my husband began to feel sick, and by 10 PM he was VERY sick.  About 3:00 AM it hit me as well. It was a long night, and a long day on Monday.  I even ran a temp on Monday.  By Tuesday morning we both felt a little better, but both of us felt weak as a newborn kitten. "Ramblin' wreck" is how the hubbie described us on Tuesday morning. 

It's maybe good that we have this 3-day snowstorm that moved in yesterday morning, because we both probably need to just stay home and regain our energy.  

It was probably good that I had these already cut out and ready to sew.  These 2 little 3" blocks were pretty much all I had the energy to do.  It took a half hour, and even that was exhausting.


  1. I heard there are a lot of virus's going around - hope you feel better soon

  2. Oh no, I am so sorry you both had to get sick. Sounds like it really wiped you out. We got 5" snow since yesterday aft and it sounds like more on the way today. Hubby just went out to scrape the driveway to stay ahead of it.

  3. Oh hope you continue to recuperate fast!!!!

  4. That bug has hit a lot of my friends: they experienced much of what you described. I’m surprised you had the desire to even sew. Take care and get the rest your body needs to recuperate.

  5. Hope you feel better soon, if it is the same bug the kids up here had it is an awful bug:(


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