
Friday, March 3, 2023

Daily Rituals

My husband needs BIGGER bird feeders!  There are 4 feeders hanging on poles at the edge of our back deck, all visible from our kitchen bay window.  We enjoy the daily visitors - cardinals, woodpeckers, juncos, chickadees, and lots of other small birds. 

The squirrels have been pests this winter too.  But now the wild turkeys have discovered the feeders, and have no fears of coming right up onto the deck.  The neighbor to the west of us has the same issue.  And the neighbor on the east side has no bird feeders on her patio, but said the turkeys come right up to the patio door and tap on the glass - like they are begging to be fed.

It's been a LONG snowy winter so I guess all of the critters are hungry.  The deer have eaten the pine needles off the bottom 4 feet of all of the pine trees in our back yard.  You can see those bare branches behind the turkeys in the photo.  


  1. it looks like the birds are hungry alright! I guess it is time to get bags of corn to through out for the animals and large birds!

  2. Wow!! Having wild turkeys at my feeders would be something. I'm tired of the crows coming in and scaring all of the other birds away. They eat more than their share of food, too.

  3. Timely that I should see this post this morning, I woke up to turkeys gobbling! There are trees between us and the neighbors. I could hear them but not see them. Then I spotted two with their feathers all out and pretty way in the distance. Next thing I knew it was raining turkeys as they all flew from the high tree tops! I agree these creatures aren't finding their normal food this winter.


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