
Monday, April 10, 2023

Design Wall Monday - April 10

What's on YOUR design wall this morning? 

Happy 10th birthday to our twin grandkids - Olivia & Jonah.  We celebrated with them on Saturday, along with an Easter supper with the whole family.  I love it when my daughters and sons-in-law do the main cooking, and I just brought side dishes.  Grandpa took all 5 kids to a park to fly their kites, since it was finally a warm spring day. 

Sunday afternoon was devoted to sewing time while I watched The Masters golf tournament on TV.  I’m going to FOCUS this week, with 2 primary goals in mind.  If I can meet those goals, then I’ll allow myself to work on something else.

Goal #1 is to get the outer border onto Humble Homes.  I chose a rich blue batik from my stash.  The strips are cut so it shouldn’t take much time to sew them together and then onto the quilt.  I want this quilt ready to go to the quilter this week.  This particular quilt has been on my UFO list for 3 or 4 years, so it's beyond time to get it done.

Goal #2 involves the Sewcialites 2 sew-along.  I have block #23 done in the 6” size, but still need to make the other 3 block versions.  This is Changeling Star by Andy Knowlton.   I really like this block, and look forward to getting the other color versions made this week too.  The final block - #24 - will be released at the end of this week.  I’ve decided on a layout for the 6” batik blocks, and got a good start on it.  A few of the blocks will probably get rearranged before sewing any more rows together, as I want a good balance of color. 

This butterfly layout was something that Pat Sloan showed online, and it’s going to work out just fine for the batik blocks I think.  I googled "alternate layouts" for Sewcialites, and found several interesting options.  The math was easy to figure out for the butterfly - 6.5” unfinished Sewcialites blocks, mixed in with squares, half-square triangles, and quarter-square triangles the same size to make the butterfly take shape.  The butterfly body uses some of the purple batiks that I've used in some of the blocks.

I’m adding narrow sashing and cornerstones as well, which I cut 1.25” wide.  The black “wings” and sashing are not a batik, but was in my stash.  It has a subtle black on black dot, so it gives a nice texture rather than stark flat black.  And there is still plenty of that black for an outer border.  The cornerstones are the same gold batik in the blocks.  


  1. I love the yellow background fabric in your quilt, so vibrant! Happy stitching!

  2. Flying kites was always part of our Easter afternoon activities, but we didn't have enough wind for that this year. Love your butterfly layout for your 6" Sewcialities blocks. That is going to be so cool!

  3. The butterfly setting is great for your Sewcialites sampler. Glad the Fridleys had a good Easter!

  4. Oh Sara, what lovely piecing you do. I really like Andy's block as well and that layout is wonderful. Your Easter with the family sounds enjoyable as well. The grandkids are growing up.

  5. That is a beautiful butterfly! Hope you have a fun week sewing!

  6. Happy Birthday to your twins!! Half way to twenty!

  7. Oh your Sewcialites is so pretty all laid out together, can't wait to see what other layouts you will do for the others.

  8. That’s a wonderful setting for your blocks. It will be an attractive quilt. The temperatures seem to be increasing everyday, and I love to sit outside and soak up the vitamin D.

  9. What a great quilt. I'm also a little in awe of you doing 4 versions of the Sewcialites blocks1. I've saved the designs but only plan to use them when I need to find a special block. Enjoy your week and I hope there is plenty of sewing in it!


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