
Monday, April 24, 2023

Design Wall Monday - Purple pinwheels

 A squirrel crossed my path on Friday.  And yes, I just had to follow it.

 My friend Becki posted a link to Facebook for a 3D pinwheel tutorial.  I have the link below for your convenience, and because I'm guessing someone may want to follow this particular squirrel too.

This is a 3D Pinwheel block.  The tutorial uses charm squares cut into 4 2.5" squares, but you know - this could use any size squares you want to.  I cut my sets at 4"  because I wanted 7" finished blocks.  Wouldn't this be fun using a layer cake making great BIG pinwheels?

There are 2 key steps to making these lie flat - spinning that center seam open.  And pressing well at each step.

That pressing step didn't happen on Saturday morning when I was playing with these because my iron died.  I had noticed on Friday while pressing some fabric to cut strips for the "Secret Project" that I just wasn't getting a crisp press, but didn't give it much further thought.  Well, turns out my 1 year old iron was only heating up to luke warm.  I tried a different outlet, tried a different setting - nope, that iron was NOT heating up.  I went shopping for a new iron on my way to a bridal shower Saturday afternoon.  

They look much nicer, now that they are pressed.  And because these were such fun, I've kitted up a set of pink ones, and a set of green ones to make this week.  I'm kind of thinking these pinwheels will become part of my Rainbow Scrap Challenge, and make enough for a baby quilt. 

Somewhere in my pattern basket is a tablerunner pattern that uses basically the same 3D Pinwheel.  I made the table runner as a wedding gift for someone several years ago.  

What's on YOUR design wall this morning?


  1. Ooooh, pretty! I can see why you gave in to that squirrel. Looking forward to seeing these blocks in other colors.

  2. Those are sooooo pretty and I can't wait to see the upcoming ones.

  3. Cute blocks! I’ve always loved pinwheels and have fun memories of them from my childhood.

  4. I think the 3D pinwheels were also a Mary Ellen Hopkins idea. Bummer about the iron. I try to buy two at a time so I have a backup.

  5. Our quilt shop showed a tutorial on those a few years back, they are neat looking. They remind me of the spinning wheels on a stick we used to play with as a kid. What brand iron did you have and what did you get?

  6. These blocks are so cute! I made a few and turned them into pincushions. I like to clip my red clips the the 3D part of the windmill.


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