
Friday, April 21, 2023

Friday already?

I set some ambitious goals for this week.  There are a couple of things with deadlines, and the other goals are just things I want off my plate.  There has been no opportunity for boredom to set in the past few days, as most of these goals involved small tasks, and then I could move onto something else. 

I had to work yesterday morning, but then met some girlfriends for a late lunch.  We lingered for almost 3 hours in the restaurant, which was a terrific way to spend the afternoon.  Working again this morning, but then I hope to spend this afternoon sewing. 

1 - Scrappiness Is Happiness blocks 23-24 - DONE
2 - secret project - plan developed to frame the blocks, 1 block done as sample
3 - Frog Quick Strippee needs to be sandwiched - not yet
4 - Dog Quick Strippee assembled - half assembled
5 - plan demo for Sew Vintage group - yes, just need to print my instructions
6 - make some purple RSC blocks - 4 made
7 - Saturday Samper applique fused - YES, ready to blanket stitch


  1. The maple leaf looks like the start of something interesting.


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