
Saturday, April 15, 2023

RSC - Week #15

 Is it really the 15th week of 2023 already?  And where did my purple go?

Sewing this week was productive for the first couple of days, and then came to a screeching halt for the second half of the week as I got busy with some other things around here.  The only purple that happened were the small sections in this final Sewcialites block.  This is Energize (6" finished) by Lisa Bongean.   

The 9" (finished) green block is also done.  The 3" versions are going to wait until I get those bright batik blocks all assembled into a quilt top.  

This is the basic layout - with the gap waiting for that final block.  Today's goal is to get the rest of the rows sewn together, and maybe the first border on.  

One of my distractions was doing a bit of spring de-cluttering in my office.  This old photo from 1981 was one of the treasures I unearthed.  About 8 months pregnant with our first baby, I was on bed rest already due to some complications, so I probably wasn't supposed to be standing outside on the steps for a picture.  LOL  That sweet dog was a collie we called Harry.  We were so young, just 27.  I had forgotten that old farmhouse we lived in was green, and I had also forgotten how cute my husband was with that Robert Redford mustache. 

What is happening around the RSC world this week?


  1. Isn’t it fun to unearth old photos and visit old memories. Harry is a beautiful collie.

  2. Pretty blocks, Sara, and that quilt is going to be SEW gorgeous!! Sweet photo of your little family. Thanks for sharing!

  3. That quilt is going to be amazing! It looks like a bright, happy butterfly. And what a great memory to unearth, too. I always find those pictures and wonder at how young I really was.

  4. Our oldest was born April 14, 1981 (yesterday!) so I probably have a picture much like that somewhere around here! Love your Sewcialtes layout - the butterfly design is really eye catching!

  5. nice photo - great find.
    Love the purple & yellow block

  6. Nice photo and yes your husband has a great Redford look! Fun to see old photos!

  7. Love the young photo, man our maternity clothes were so different compared to what they wear now, LOL. I sewed most of my maternity tops. You have such fun fabrics for your blocks, love that green polka dots!

  8. That bright batik layout is really stunning. I cleaned out my picture drawer earlier this year, it's amazing how quicky things change. It's a very cute couple photo.

  9. What a beautiful photo of your young selves! Lots of memories there.

  10. Oh don't you just love the old photos.... I love them!!! and the memories!!


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