
Thursday, April 13, 2023

This n That . . .

I think Mother Nature is having an identity crisis!!  You know, it was just a bit over a week ago that I was griping about winter hanging around. Saturday and Sunday were lovely spring days in the low 70s.  Yay!  And now we've skipped over spring and have summer, for a few days at least. By the weekend we might see 60s again.  

No sewing happened at all on Wednesday.  I spent the entire morning at my computer working through a self-paced training for group leaders on their new nomination and award tracking website.  I was required to do this training - and pass the practice assignment - before they would release the "live" site for our group.  The training was not difficult, just time consuming.  

Once I had it all completed, and approved, I logged in - to find over a dozen Quilt of Valor nominations had been "assigned" to our group.  Yikes!!!!  We currently have 8 quilts ready to present, with 4 of those spoken for already in May, and 1 in early July.  A couple of the new ones are local people, but most were in the Sioux Falls area, so I'm hoping to re-route some of those requests.  We're a small group and all of these requests are a bit overwhelming.

I did trim get this Quilt of Valor ready for one of our members to bind.  The blocks were made by various different members of our little group, assembled by another member, and quilted locally by The Pin Cushion.  Definitely a group effort.


  1. I'm hearing of so many in the north one day spring next day winter -- you really know spring is just about there for sure when that happens

  2. Temperatures have been glorious here, too, mostly high 60s to low 70s. I saw that QOV was updating their tracking system. Thank you for completing the online training for your group. I hope you’re able to reroute some of the requests and fulfill the local ones. Your community is blessed to have a dedicated group of volunteers. Please thank the members for making QOV available to veterans in your area.

  3. I saw that on the news the other night where Mitchell had the highest temperature around! Oh my on all those gals do an amazing amount of work and I know the Veteran's appreciate it!


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