
Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Wednesday checking in

 In between appointments and work, I've still managed to chip away at my goals for this week.  The pieces for April's Saturday Sampler block have been traced onto fusible so the next step with that will be ironing them onto the fabric and cutting them out.  Maybe by tomorrow . . .

Our Sew Vintage group is going to spend a bit of time looking at ideas for old traditional blocks, and making them fun and interesting.  I volunteered to do a demo in May.  I knew in my "orphan block" drawer was an unfinished Dresden Plate block from the 80s or 90s.  My demo will use pieces from this old block - but I can't share any additional details here quite yet.

In that same drawer was an envelope containing these 6 little hand stitched hexie blocks.  The hexie "flowers" were hand appliqued to the brown background squares.  These are only about 5" square.

I had even gone so far as to trim away the bulk behind the hexie flower.  Now the important question is what was I planning to do with these?  I have no clue, but if I put them up on the design wall maybe some inspiration will strike.  

There were a few other surprises in that orphan block drawer, but those will have to stay in there for now.  No more squirrels allowed!!


  1. I like your fabrics in the Saturday sampler block. Looking forward to seeing what you decide to do with the hexie blocks.

  2. The prints in the Dresden petals look familiar!

  3. I know you’ll come up with a clever idea for using the hexie blocks.


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