
Monday, May 1, 2023

Design Wall Monday - May 1

 This is how we felt yesterday afternoon - as we stood between 2 soccer fields watching 2 of the grandkids play - one on each field.  (Photo borrowed from Facebook) Gale force winds, with 30+ mph sustained winds and gusts to 45 mph. That is insane!!  Since the soccer fields were on the north edge of town there was absolutely NOTHING out there to block the wind.

Earlier in the day we were at a swim meet to cheer on another grandchild.  It was a very busy Sunday, and I still feel tired today, which is why my post is so late today.

New week, and a new month!  And some old goals.  LOL  That's because my goals will again focus on some on-going projects.

  • keep up with Saturday Sampler
  • catch up with Scrappiness Is Happiness
  • make several RSC blocks in ORANGE
  • Quilt of Valor sewing
  • finish the Sewcialites flimsy
  • bind 1 UFO
  • quilt one UFO
  • finish 1 UFO quilt top
This week I hope to get the green Sewcialites flimsy done.  I actually got 1 row sewn together on Saturday afternoon, but then did a bit of block rearrangement. 

And I hope to get the blanket stitching done on the edges of the Saturday Sampler applique pieces.  

I'm sure that some orange fabrics will come out of the scraps and the stash to play with for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge.  And also most likely some Quilt of Valor sewing will happen. 

The number chosen for the UFO Challenge this month is #8, but I haven't made any decisions on which of those #8 projects will be next.  One of the 3 projects on my list is done, so I have 2 choices.

Check out more Design Wall Monday projects at:


  1. Love your zebra -- sometimes it feels that way around here too. I am in the APQ UFO challenge too. I only listed one item because it is hard enough getting one project done, much less 3! I have a fairly easy one this month, assuming the long arm is returned and ready to sew. I have a wall hanging that needs its borders and then quilting and binding. It should be quite doable. I like your setting for the Sewcialites. It makes me want to actually make some blocks rather than just keep the directions. Probably won't be happening... Have a quilty week.

  2. Cute meme - that would be a powerful wind! LOL

  3. Oh I remember those days of soccer matches in the spring with the winds and the sun. We did the swim thing too for a bit, those early morning start times for the meets were not fun. Hope you have a chance to fully recover today. Your green Sewcialities is really fun, love that star layout.

  4. Yes it has been windy here also this weekend and through today, not sure what comes after that!

  5. It has been really windy here, too. I love your zebra photo! Your green quilt is going to be gorgeous! The design is so different and so creative!

  6. Yes it was windy here too and still is today! Love the pretty and spring like:)


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