
Sunday, May 7, 2023

More Quilts of Valor sewig

There were goals for this week, but not all of them were met.  That's OK because other important things happened too.  Instead of working on the blanket stitching on my Saturday Sampler which was laying next to my sewing machine, or sewing the 3 pillowcases pinned and waiting on the ironing board . . . I made a big mess.

Friday morning I was up way too early - for me anyway - and my brain was spinning like a top. Knowing that I would see some of the QOV members at guild on Saturday, I decided to bring a couple of projects that could be passed along for members to work on.  One top just needs borders, which are cut and in the bag.  Two pillowcase kits are cut and ready to sew.  And one of the ladies said she would bind the quilt that is at that stage.  We currently have 9 requests that will come up soon, and more coming, so we need to get busy with quilt making.

But that got me to wondering what else is in progress for QOV.  One of the block sets I’ve been working on is the Twinkle Star, set into groups of 4.  I need 2 more of them and the pieces are cut, along with the sashing.  This will become a priority.  

This panel and some of the star blocks, plus some yardage will make another good Quilt of Valor, and it shouldn't take long to finish this top.

Then I dug into the QOV bin and found a bunch of orphan blocks, in a variety of sizes and designs mostly leftover from previous Quilts of Valor block drives.  Some are 9", some are 10", a few are 12".  So I think putting frames around some of those smaller blocks to bring them up to 12" will work, and then we can do a sampler with them.   And we can use some of the others to piece some backing, like in this photo above. 

Speaking of backings . . . a couple of ladies at guild gave me 2 bags of mostly solid fabrics in blues and red.  They had been to an auction, and picked up yards and yards of fabric they knew could be useful for our Quilts of Valor. 

Now . . . we just need to get busy sewing, and a couple of the ladies told me they would be glad to work on one of the kits waiting too.  


  1. Did your guild members mention whose fabric was at the auction, was it by chance Helen Baczynski?

  2. Those red, white and blue twinkle star blocks are so pretty. That has to be my favorite star block. Good luck with all the QOV stitching, you've got a good start on some great projects.

  3. So nice that all the ladies are working together to finish QOV and sew others. Sometimes I know that it’s hard to keep up with the demand.


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