
Tuesday, May 30, 2023

To Do Tuesday

 The To Do list for this week includes a couple of projects left over from the previous couple of weeks, and maybe I'll finally get to them.  

There are only 5 blocks remaining to be made from the Scrappiness Is Happiness project, and if I can get all 5 of them made I will actually BE happy.  Once the blocks are all done, then I can work on assembling them into rows.  

A second priority goal would be to get the 2 watermelon table runners quilted and bound.  I'll even be happy if I can get one of them done this week.  There is also a yellow/white/black runner ready to quilt and bind.  None of these should take long to finish, but it's so easy to set things aside - especially since I have a new project that I really want to start.  I promised myself the new project would be my reward for finishing my other list of projects in progress.  I'm almost there!


  1. I have that book and I have barely taken the time to look at it for some reason

  2. Oh you are a strong gal waiting to start a new project! I have one waiting in the wings least I hope I can wait!


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