
Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Wednesday check-in

No sewing happened on Tuesday, but I did prep a few things to work on.  Thinking of orange RSC blocks, led me to sorting out enough strips for a Rainbow Connection block.  I went with mostly peachy shades of orange for this one.  I cut squares for an orange set of the 3D pinwheel blocks - again with a shade that leans more toward coral.  And I kitted up another Quilt of Valor pillowcase.  

One day last week UPS delivered a heavy box, and I was excited to see it arrive safely because it contained the kit for the project we'll be making on the "quilting cruise" in June.

The project is a paper-pieced quilt called Pole Star, by Heather Black of Quiltachusetts.  All of the fabrics are in that plastic ziplock bag, and we have homework to cut WOF strips - which I still need to do.  Also in the tote are a couple of supplies, and on Tuesday morning I printed all of the foundation paper copies indicated in the pattern.  The ream of foundation paper was included in the kit.  There are also 2 big sheets of template plastic, and I still need to trace the template patterns onto the plastic and cut them out.  

In 2019 I went with 6 friends (no husbands included) on a 10 day Caribbean cruise and did the quilting class.  Other than sewing times while at sea, it is a regular cruise.  We had a wonderful time.  This time I think there are only 4 of us going, but my husband is tagging along and so is the gentleman friend of one of the other gals.  And this time it's 7 days and we're heading to Alaska.  My husband and I did an Alaskan cruise almost 20 years ago, and it was wonderful. I can't wait for the fun to begin!  

The project from that first cruise was also paper pieced, but we had several color options to choose from. Mine is in pinks, oranges, yellows, and black. The kits were all waiting for us on the ship.  The travel agent arranging it all also arranges for sewing machines and pressing stations.  She actually does lots of different "crafting" groups a year. 

This time we will all be making the project with the same colors - and a bit more subtle colorway than I would choose on my own.  But it's good to get outside my comfort zone, and it will be very pretty.  


  1. I have heard of quilting cruises and of all classes or cruises I think that might be the most interesting. I have done two cruises one a Caribbean like you and one to Alaska - I really enjoyed the Alaska cruise the Caribbean was ok but there were too many drunk people on board and that kind of ruined it for me - I don't mean a little drink, I mean a lot of drink to the point of a lot of rude or obnoxious people (including my brother in law and ex-sister in law!)

  2. Sewing/quilting and cruising- a perfect combination for a fun getaway.

  3. That sounds like a lot of fun. You've gotten a good start on all the prep work.


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