
Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Busy weekend ahead

Next weekend will be filled with family, as my husband's first cousins are arriving from all over the country for a 1-generation reunion.  There are a LOT of 1st cousins, as his mom was one of 12 kids.  Her generation have all passed now, so these cousins are the "old folks" in the family.  The last family reunion had over 150 relatives in 5 generations attending.  This one will be much smaller.  


At that previous family reunion I had made quilt blocks and asked everyone to sign them.  The finished quilt is going to this reunion, and will be given away to someone.  I need to get a label on this quilt before Saturday morning. 


  1. I used that pattern for a signature quilt a couple years ago and I love it.

  2. What a great idea you had getting everyone to sign it. Someone will be very lucky this weekend.

  3. Such a pretty quilt! One of the cousins will be delighted to win it.

  4. That is such a great idea to have everyone sign a square! Someone will be very happy! Have fun!


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