
Sunday, June 11, 2023

Doggy love

 Today is the day - we are leaving on an Alaskan cruise this afternoon, and I'm making no promises on whether or not I'll be able to post any updates this coming week.  Hopefully I can, but in the meantime I'll leave you with this new/old project.  And NO, this isn't one of the new projects I've been anxious to start playing with. This is more "leftovers" that lend themselves to a quick finish. 

While cleaning my sewing room last week, I came across this one orphan block and the remains of the panel that the block center came from.  The rest of this panel was used some years ago, but I had folded the leftovers and tucked it into a drawer with other kid types of fabric.

The 12.5" orphan block immediately made me think doll quilt.  I used some 4.5" strips left from a quilt backing to add simple borders in about 5 minutes.  That brought it up to 20" square which will be just fine for a doll quilt, and it has more of a "boy" feel to it than most of the others.  It's now sandwiched with batting and a bright yellow backing scrap, ready to quilt once we return from our trip.

The remaining panel has adorable 9 dog sections, and is about 23" square.  I pulled some bright yellow and a bright/black print for borders.  This will be a good little donation quilt, and it shouldn't take much time to just add some borders, quilt, and bind.  It will be good to have something else out of the drawer, and used up rather than just taking up space.  

I even added it to my UFO Challenge sheet as a 2nd PIG for the month of June, since the 1st PIG project is already in the hands of a quilter.  The Row By Row car/license plates project box is out, sitting on top of my sewing table.  But I haven't pulled out that purple 4-patch project yet.  We'll have to see what I have the time (and ambition) for during the last half of the month. 


  1. I don't know how the cruises are now but when I went on an Alaskan cruise 20 years ago I had to pay to get on line but we didn't have the same kinds of phones then as we do now. Then they had a computer room where you could get on to check your mail and/or check in with family but it was at a price - most likely different now. Have fun!!

  2. Ohhh Have a wonderful time!!
    and too cute!! love that bright green!


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