
Friday, June 30, 2023

I got distracted

 I'm so easily distracted.  While searching for something fun in the Halloween scraps (and stash) to add to the Haunted Halloween wall hanging, I got sidetracked.  

This Halloween border print (gnomes, kitties, pumpkins) was right there in the top of the drawer just begging to become a couple of new 60 degree table runners.  Honestly, these are so quick and easy to do - and fun.  Almost instant gratification.  Half an hour later, I had 2 of these all ready to quilt.  


  1. More fun Halloween fabrics. I really want to make a Halloween project, but I really need to finish some other stuff first. So I'll just enjoy your finishes.

  2. I really am glad to see someone else working out of season besides me! I cut snowman runners last week.

  3. Fun ! I am easily distracted too sometimes:) Stay cool!


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