
Sunday, July 2, 2023

UFO Challenge for July

 Hmmm - the projects on my June UFO list didn't see much attention this month.  In fact, the 2 main projects were not touched at all.  The number drawn by APQ for July is #7, and my list is simple.  Can the July list see some progress, or will it be another bust?

Both the Elephants and the Rainbow Twinkle Stars are just block sets hanging in the closet, waiting for inspiration on the setting.  Both were also Rainbow Scrap Challenge blocks from past years, so it's time to see what they can become.  

I adore the elephant blocks, and have used this block pattern in the past for a couple of quilts. I'm sure I'll use it again.  NOTE: The pattern was from a blog that no longer exists as far as I know.  These blocks are 13" unfinished and there are a total of 20 of them right now.  I have a couple of layout ideas floating around in my head.  

The Twinkle Star blocks that I mentioned in yesterday's post are 9" finished blocks and there are 43 if them, which is a weird number.  If I just set them together without sashing they would make a decent sized quilt - and I would have 1 left over for "seed" to start another block set in the future.  I've seen these done without that colored corner square too and I like how they float.  Decisions, decisions . . .

And the PIG - it's a jelly roll and charm pack that I had set out to use for another Happy Block quilt.  This one is all very bright happy colors, and would most likely be child size and for donation.  This is one of the new projects I've been eager to start.  The charm pack has been in a drawer for a couple of years just waiting for the right jelly roll to come along. 

As for other UFOs from my list - I finished binding 2 of them this week.  I'm pleased that I'm managing to finish up so many UFOs again this year. These challenges - online and also locally - are really good ways for me to encourage more finishes.  Even several things that are not yet finished have seen forward progress, which is great.  


  1. It always feels so good to finish up unfinished projects. That jelly roll and charm pack are going to make a really cute quilt for a child. Happy stitching!

  2. love that Twinkle quilt and the new fabric

  3. I am certain the hot days will find you sewing:)


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