
Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Quilt of Valor presentation

Sunday afternoon I was honored to be involved in another Quilt of Valor presentation. He told me 3 times he sure wished he had this "blanket" in 1951 because it was really cold in Korea.  

The family arranged for this presentation to be held at his 95th birthday party at the local VFW building in his hometown.   The American Legion commander also presented him with a plaque for 59 continuous years of membership.  He had joined the Legion when he returned home from the Korean War, and has been an active member ever since.

Thank you for your service!!


  1. Beautiful... and what a sweet face he has... I love that he wished he had it earlier too... so sweet!!

  2. another well deserving vet...wonderful!

  3. love that morning glories block...hmmm was just thinking about getting that pattern myself...and what a fantastic qov presentation!

  4. Happy Birthday to this veteran. I hope he knows how much his service is appreciated.

  5. Those Korea War Vets were very cold in Dad always told us how cold it was.


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