
Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Mid-week progress?

 Progress has been made on my secret guild challenge project - but I just can't share it. However, it is halfway quilted so that is positive progress.

A bit of progress can be reported for other projects.  Two rows of the Quilt of Valor sampler have been sewn together along with long sashing strips to separate them.  Three rows remain.  More scraps have been cut and organized for on-going scrappy projects and future scrappy projects. Why does the quantity never seem to decrease? Hmmm . . . . . .

The Sew Together bag that was kitted up and ready to sew also has seen progress.  The hardest part is done except for some handwork.  Sewing those side panels onto the lining and then attaching the whole thing to the front is a slow process because there are so many layers: the outer fabric, the batting, pockets, interfacing, side panel, and binding to finish the edge.  

I'll hand stitch that edge binding, and then the final step can happen - putting on the long zipper.  I've found that the zipper section goes on easier if those sides are already finished.  

A little additional playing with scrappy hexies has taken place too.  I kept thinking that the 6" mug rugs are fine, but if I made them slightly bigger they would make good hot pads too.  In the scrap bin were 2 chunks of a coffee cup print, so they've become the first 2.  One layer of Insul-Bright and one layer of batting seems to work nicely for the hot pads.  I have already quilted the red one, and attached binding to the edge.  The aqua one might get quilted today.  These are about 10" across.


  1. Your bag is really cute, love all those fabrics together. You've done a great job of moving along some scraps in those mug rugs and hot pads.

  2. Yay for progress - even if it has to be secret!!
    Those Hexies are cute = I like that shape for a pot holder/mugrug!!


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