
Saturday, September 16, 2023

RSC23 - Week #37

 Only a little aqua came out to play this week.  But LOTS of scraps have been getting attention.

This Stashbuster block used up a few aqua pieces.  There are about 10 of these blocks so far hanging in the closet.  They are 10" finished blocks.

I've been admiring the Zipper blocks I've seen online this year and decided it would be a good use of some leftover jelly roll strips, paired up with scraps.  These are 8.5" wide by 12.5" long.  

One more aqua Zipper happened on Thursday, before I got distracted by more scraps.

On Wednesday I cut the pieces for 14 new 6" mug rugs.  Thursday I pulled out more batting scraps and cut those into the right size for the mug rugs.  Next up was backing scraps.  I haven't decided yet on backing for the Christmas and Snowflake versions. 

Six of these new ones use patriotic fabrics, so the leftover backing from a recent Quilt of Valor seemed like the perfect backing to use.  One of the 6 is even quilted.  

What else is happening in the RSC world today?


  1. What pattern are you using for these hexie mug rugs? And is that the stitch that looks like blanket stitch on both sides and you are only stitching once to get that look?

  2. The zipper blocks are really fun. Hopefully all those mug rugs are starting to make a dent in your batting and fabric scraps.

  3. You are definitely on a roll. What great blocks! And I love the variety too.

  4. nice stashbuster - I have only made 1 - I like your zipper colors and the mug rugs are a great idea for leftovers

  5. I adore your mug rugs, Sara! I need to make me some!! And aren’t the Zipper blocks addicting?!?

  6. I recognize that block in the first picture: Jericho Wall. It was a fun quilt to make. I hope you enjoy it too. Love your zipper blocks. I too admire some zipper quilts on the net and I'm tempted to start my own. One day, for sure. The hexie mug rugs are great. Are they to be gifted at Christmas or sold at a fall fair? Enjoy! ;^)

  7. Wow, Sara! You’ve been sewing up a storm! I like the stitch in the patriot mug rugs too! Tell us more!

  8. You’ve been blasting through your scraps! All the mug rugs, potholders, and blocks are wonderful.

  9. gosh all very pretty have been busy!

  10. You have been busy! But then, you usually are,with lots of stitching on the go.

  11. Super cute mug rugs. Very patriotic! Ans of course I love all those zippers, too.

  12. The fabrics you used in the Stashbuster block really get the aqua scraps shining! Very nicely done, Sara. Have a great weekend!

  13. Another wonderful variety, Sara. The zipper blocks are fun, aren't they?


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