
Friday, September 8, 2023

Sew Together bag #20 and more

This Sew Together bag is #20.  Inside are 3 zippered pockets. These are really good for hand stitching supplies.  My cousin has used hers for knitting I believe.  My granddaughters each claimed one this winter for school supplies.  

It's quite possible that I should branch out a bit and learn how to make some other interesting bag design now.  LOL

Two new hot pads . . . done!  These finish about 10" across, so they are perfect for setting a small casserole or saucepan on.  They are a little too large for just lifting things out of the oven however.  There is 1 layer each of Insul-bright and batting inside of these.  

They both came together from scraps. Yay!

I've linked up today with Alycia's Finished or Not -


  1. Love your bright and happy bag. Congrats on all the finishes, hopefully your scrap bins are looking a little less full.

  2. 20 Sew Together bags is just amazing! I've always thought they looked very fun and useful, but have never tried making one, so I'm impressed!

  3. Super fun finishes!!!
    I am really loving those mug rugs!!


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