
Tuesday, September 12, 2023

To Do Tuesday

Yesterday morning I didn't get to my sewing room until much later than usual because we had a guy here to do bat mitigation.  Shudder!!  He had already done a walk-around last week, but did another this morning before plugging little openings along our roof.  He also went through our whole attic area but didn't find anything concerning.  And he put in an "escape cone" just in case any were hiding in that attic.  It allows them to exit but not to come back inside.  Again - shudder!! 

One important task for this week that I totally forgot about in yesterday's post - binding for 2 Quilts of Valor.  The strips are now cut and sewn together.  Maybe today I'll get them pressed and ready to attach to the quilts.  These 2 quilts will be awarded sometime this fall unless rescheduled. 

The QOV sampler blocks I've been working on have all become rows finally.  Next step will be sewing the rows into a top, but I've been dragging my feet a bit on this one. It's so easy to procrastinate when there are scraps to play with that are calling my name.

Four Valentine mug rugs and 2 Christmas ones have joined the 6 Halloween mug rug stack.  None of these holiday mug rugs are sandwiched or quilted yet, but that will be a quick task.  Those triangle ones made great Leader/Enders in between the QOV blocks. 


  1. It took me a minute to get what kind of "bat" you were talking about. I could see why you'd want to avoid bats in the attic. You've got some fun stuff in the works. Good luck with your plans for this week.

  2. You’ll have that QOV Sampler finished in short order. A lady in New York sent me two sets of blocks that have kick started my sewing mojo.


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