
Friday, October 6, 2023

Brrrr - it's cold in here!

 Since the weather forecast was showing near freezing overnight temps for last night and tonight, I though I was being smart to finally turn on the heat in our house yesterday.  I woke up about 5:00 am this morning and thought BRRRRRR!  Why is it so cold in the house?

Well . . . it's because our heating system is not responding.  We've turned things off and on, reset the breakers, messed with settings.  And finally my husband called the service technicians.  It's noon and we're still waiting as they are very busy today.

Good things there are a few quilts in the house to snuggle up in.  


  1. Sorry about the furnace! At least you're not in the middle of a blizzard with a minus windchill factor. You always knew those quilts would come in handy someday!

    1. That's one reason we make them, not just for their beauty. 💜. Hope her furnace is repaired quickly

  2. Good to discover this before temperatures dive even more. I hope it’s fixed now.

  3. Hope they figured out the problem and fixed it!


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