
Monday, October 2, 2023

Design Wall Monday - October 2

 That is on your design wall this morning?

These blocks are the last sewing I did before my surgery last week - Pat Sloan's Autumn Wonders block #2.   I won't get this week's block done until I'm able to do the stairs to my sewing room, but that's OK because there is no big rush to keep up.   My version 1 is in patriotic colors. 

My version 2 returned to the autumn theme.  It's always interesting how different a block can look with different fabric choices. 

So far, only a little hand stitching has been happening here on the sewing front.  But I do feel like I'm on the mend from my surgery.  I get tired very quickly as I hobble around the house with my walker.  But pain has been minimal these past couple of days.  This time I will be getting some PT.  It was obvious that because I was so "lame" this past month I had lost some muscle before surgery, so it will be good to build up some muscle again in both legs.  


  1. So glad you are not having a lot of pain. Getting PT is not normal following this surgery?

  2. good to get help with the physical therapy - I'm really surprised that you didn't get it after the last one, I thought that was a necessary part of it as several in my family had the surgery and always had the PT afterwards.

  3. I like your two blocks! It's amazing how different fabric choices can make the same layout look completely different! Sounds like you're progressing in your recovery - PT is always a good idea.

  4. Sounds like you’re doing well with your recovery. Best wishes

  5. Yes the different fabrics look like a totally different quilt block! Be kind to yourself, recovery takes time!

  6. Wow-- those don't look like the same pattern at all! Hope you're healing well.


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