
Monday, October 9, 2023

Design Wall Monday - October 9

 My design wall is empty this morning.  But hopefully it won't be that way too much longer.  I'm on the mend with the new hip, but it isn't going quickly enough to keep me from boredom right now.  Hand stitching just isn't satisfying my need to sew right now.  I spent more time reading the past few days than I have stitching, which is OK too.

I've been working on the mug rugs.  The pile of finished ones has slowly grown. There are 6 Halloween themed ones currently on the side table next to my recliner. 

We had a picture perfect autumn weekend - sunshine and temps in the upper 60s.  On Friday evening one daughter's family stopped on their way to the Black Hills for the weekend. They brought supper too!  And all day Saturday the other daughter and her family were here, working hard on some yard work we needed help with.  Her husband manned the chain saw to trim lots of dead tree branches.  The 3 grandkids and grandpa hauled branches. My daughter brought all the fixings and made a yummy lunch of tacos. She's a really good cook.  This tree trimming was a BIG job, and my husband just can't handle some of this alone with his back issues right now.  Our trees look so much better now, and we're a bit more ready for winter.  Sunday my husband went golfing (doesn't bother his back), and I relaxed in the recliner with a good book.

I had saved the 3 most recent books in John Sandford's Prey series to read while recuperating.  Ironically I love this type of book, but hate this type of movie.  


  1. I would be in the same boat as you - missing my sewing machine! But sounds like you're almost there. That's quite a collection of mug rugs - do you have plans for all of them? I've read a few books in that series, but had forgotten about them. I'll have to get back to it!

  2. I have read all of John Sandford's book -he has a new one that just came out and yup I read that one too - I think I have almost all of them on my kindle now and enjoy rereading them too.
    Nice to have family come and help and I bet that helped to break up the boredom too!!

  3. My husband is the same way. He has a bad back (3 surgeries) but it doesn't bother him to go golfing. I'm glad he has an outlet.

  4. The mug rugs are just the right size for a quick sewing session. They sure are pretty!

  5. Thank goodness for family helping with the trees! Nice to have help! Sounds like you are getting antsy to sew in your sewing room:)

  6. Nice to have family come lend a hand. And, reading time is always time well spent. Can't say I like thrillers but I do like to read and make time for it every day. Hope you are back to sewing soon. (Although those mug rugs are really cute. What about making placemats -- just for variety?

  7. I know its boring - but I am glad you are on the mend and remembering to not overwork!!


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