
Monday, November 27, 2023

Design Wall Monday - more suitcases

The Thanksgiving holiday went by in a flash!  And now it's time to really think about Christmas, as well as the quickly approaching new year. Yikes!!  I have 4 projects on my list for this coming week:

  1. cut out and sew 3 football themed pillowcases for the 3 grandsons
  2. make 4 more Suitcase blocks
  3. work on more sets of Clue #1 units for Bonnie Hunter's new mystery (Indigo Way)
  4. hand stitch the binding on the last big finish of the year (grey & batik Saturday Sampler)
Sunday in my sewing room involved attaching a binding to a quilt, refolding and stowing away the novelty prints so the cube fit back into the bookcase, and sewing a few more of these suitcase blocks using fabrics from trips.

This green one is from an Iowa shop hop a few years ago, when I tagged along on a work trip with my husband.  He humored me and stopped at a few shops along the way.  I think this one with the bicycles was recognizing the RAGBRAI long distance bike event that was held every summer at that time.  I have this in yellow and baby blue too, but won't make any additional suitcases from it.

Then I found the sunflower print from a family reunion trip to Kansas, a Maple Leaf print from Canada, the fleur de lis and chili pepper print from New Orleans, and the cattle brands from Nebraska.  That Maple Leaf print was fabric my cousin brought me from a trip they took to Canada. I made a couple of Covid masks for them from this print, but had enough left for this suitcase block.


The Nebraska one with the cattle brands was from a shop hop a few years ago.  It isn't actually cattle brands however - but each quilt shop created a "brand" to represent their shop.  So cute!  This was fabric that I cut into 6" squares to share with my guild (our travel tradition), and I had 4 of them left.  I actually pieced the suitcase pieces from those leftover squares.  

While searching for those fabrics, I did come across 4 more interesting options for suitcases.  The cactus print was from Arizona, the fishy one from Alaska, the canoes/mosquitoes and the lady slipper batik are both from past Minnesota shop hops.  Somewhere in the stash is also a piece of fabric from Australia - sent to me by my daughters' cousin who lives there, but I haven't come across that one yet.  

What is on YOUR design wall this week?


  1. You are so clever to come up with suitcases for travel memories. (Or at least most are from memories although I assume you've been somewhere in Canada at sometime!) I have several wonderful aboriginal fat quarters and I keep trying to decide what to do with them. I have one idea from Nancy at Grace and Peace quilting but haven't ruled out a 3 Yard quilt.... hum that might be more difficult to figure out... Have a great week.

  2. Those are such fun blocks, Sara! How many have you made so far?

  3. Wow you soon will have enough suitcase blocks for a quilt. Do you have a particular size quilt in mind?

  4. Nice! I like your Minnesota fabrics and of course the Kansas sunflowers!

  5. You've picked up some great travel fabrics. This is going to be such a fun quilt.


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