
Wednesday, November 1, 2023

November goals

 I need to find a balance in November between sewing something new and fresh, and finishing up a couple of things from the UFO/WIP lists.  Balance is good right?  And this week I need a balance between work and play, because work has taken over this week as I was assigned something with a deadline, and have been working a full-time schedule since early Monday morning.  I'm actually writing this post during my morning break because I totally forgot. LOL

The number drawn for November's UFO Challenge was #9, and I have already finished 2 of the 3 items on my list for that number.  Yay!!  That last project is actually kitted up, plus it's a child sized quilt, so it could satisfy both my need to sew something new AND work on a UFO.

The Giddy-Up Quick Strippee is one of the kits I put together early in 2023 for some quick projects.  This one has a focus fabric with light green background with pink and blue horses. It should make a very cute baby quilt.

On a side note - college basketball begins this week, so you know what we'll be doing for the next 4 months or so.  We'll be leaving about 3:30 to make the drive to watch a Jackrabbit doubleheader. Gotta make good use of our season tickets!  Go Jacks!!  I may take some binding with me to do in the car. 

As for November goals, there are plenty to choose from:
  • Saturday Sampler block from October
  • Saturday Sampler block from November
  • 3 final Autumn Wonder blocks - both colorways
  • Giddy-Up baby quilt
  • Pillowcases for grandkids (5)
  • Binding
    • Christmas hexie table topper
    • Quilt of Valor
    • 4 Christmas hexie mug rugs
  • Quilting (on my own machine)
    • Sea Otter wall hanging
    • Christmas bench pillow

1 comment:

  1. Sorry your week is so busy, definitely not a fun way to kick off November. Progress is progress, so that counts even if you don't completely check off your goals this month.


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