
Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Quilts of Valor update

On Veteran's Day our QOV group awarded 4 quilts to local veterans. I took the photo below to include the ladies who helped drape the quilts. 

The veteran who helps coordinate this Veteran's Day luncheon and program invited former quilt recipients to attend and bring their quilts with them for a group photo.

 Seven previous recipients joined the 4 new ones in this photo.  There were a few who couldn't attend, and a couple who didn't bring their quilts.  This could become an awesome tradition. 

My dining room has become QOV Central.  It was definitely time over the weekend to reorganize our "inventory" of quilts in progress, and quilts ready to award.

There are a total of 6 quilts all quilted, trimmed and ready for binding and labels. The bonus?  A nice stack of extra backing that can be sewn into a pieced backing for another quilt or two.  

The top 2 quilts here were from the QOV tops donated to our group from a group in Minnesota recently.  They are gorgeous, and totally different from the ones we've been making.  The bottom left was made by a member of our group from donated fabric.  And the one on the bottom right is one that I made, from orphan blocks - some donated and some I made as "test blocks".  

We currently have 12 tops waiting to be quilted, and 6 "kits" for additional tops.  We have 4 quilts scheduled to be awarded between Thanksgiving and Christmas and those quilts are all ready for the awards except for labels.  There are 2 more completely finished quilts ready for future recipients.  

Our online request list still has about 9 veterans nominated that we haven't been able to schedule a QOV award for yet.  So we'll be needing all of these quilts.  


  1. What a great day your group had awarding these quilts. Bless each and every one of you along with the veterans.

  2. Looks lots of quilts found some great homes. There are some really fun quilts waiting for new homes.

  3. Go you!! and that is a cool idea to have those bring their quilts back!! its so awesome!!
    Enjoy Quilt central in the kitchen haha!!

  4. Love the photos of the veterans wrapped in their quilts! Your QOV group is making a difference in the lives of the veterans in your community. Good job!

  5. How wonderful! So good to see your photos your group makes amazing quilts for Veterans! Thank you !


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