
Thursday, December 7, 2023


This picture was taken last year between Christmas and New Years - with the 5 grandkids and 2 "grand-dogs".  Olivia and Sophia are on the left side with Ginger.  The boys (Jack, Mason, Jonah) are on the right side with Samson.  Both families are dog people, and my girls blame me because after we moved from the farm into town (when they were 4 and 7) I always said NO to getting a dog again.

Ginger and Samson belong to my older daughter's family.

Ella joined our younger daughter's family this summer.  She is a rescue dog - mostly Boston Terrier, and very sweet.  The vet thinks she is 3 or more years old, and is pretty well trained.  She snuggled with me a lot on Thanksgiving Day when we were there.  She weighs about 30 pounds.

And this past weekend Newt joined the other household.  He's also a rescue and is 7 months old, so not full grown yet.  He's a very handsome boy, and seems to be getting along just fine with the 2 dogs already in the house. His adoption info indicated he needed to go to a home with other dogs, because he needed to learn to BE a dog.  

He is pretty nervous yet - strange smells, strange sounds - but getting lots of love from everyone.  I guess the robot vacuum sent him scurrying into his kennel.  

So - I don't need a dog of my own because I can get all the doggie loving when I visit my kids! 


  1. You get the doggie fixes when visiting and don't have the chores and bills involved, win, win! We too can just visit our daughter for doggie fixes and our son for kitty fixes:)

  2. I always said no to dogs after the first one we had briefly died less than a year after we had it. I had quickly found out that I was going to have to be the one to take care of it as although all said they wanted a dog no one took care of it but me. Now both of the girls always have a dog in their house and take care of them just fine.

  3. I smiled at the accusations from your girls, we get the same tone from Grad Girl. I'm allergic to animal dander, so she was never allowed to have a pet. Sounds like you'll have a house full of kiddos and pets over the holiday.

  4. What a cheery crew! Newt has found a great home.

  5. What a fun post. No pets allow in the apartment complex, so I enjoy getting snuggles and kisses from my nephew and great niece’s dogs.

  6. We are dog people and definitely support the idea of rescues. Ned is our first dog who is not a rescue. I loved seeing these faces and it put a smile on my face and a tear in my eye. I'm getting more sentimental with age. Thank you so much for sharing.

  7. What fun for you to have Grand dogs! I know how you feel! Newt has a new home!! He is a looker for sure...and well who doesn't love Goldens so it was fun to see your Samson! My Mother never allowed dogs in the house when I was growing up, but I would sneak the dogs into my room:) When my sister wanted a dog then they got a dog in the house.


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