
Friday, December 22, 2023

Road trip

Yesterday morning while drinking my first cup of coffee, I made a very selfish plan for the day.  It involved escaping for a SOLO road trip.  I could listen to any music I wanted in the car, stop anyplace I wanted to without getting the "deep sigh", and could linger at a stop without feeling guilty. Shopping and lunch with friends or family is lots of fun, but sometimes it's really nice to just be alone.

One stop was at a quilt shop near where one daughter lives, to use a gift certificate before it expired. Seems like we're always there when the shop is closed - evenings, Sundays, holidays.  It's small shop but very cute and carries a lot of reproduction types of fabric, which I love.  All of her fall and Christmas things were on sale.  This patriotic print came home with me, along with some cute Christmas fat quarters, a kit for a small zippered bag, and a pattern.  

My second stop was the mall and a bra fitting.  I bought 2 new ones.  A bit of window shopping followed as I walked around the mall.  There were lots of great sales going on, but I didn't indulge, except for the new bras.  Lunch was sesame chicken in the food court while people watching.  

A couple of other stops were made, and I check off everything on my list.  Now today I'll need to do the grocery shopping, do some laundry and hopefully spend a little time in my sewing room.  I may have to make something using my new purchases. 


  1. I agree it is nice to get off by ourselves now and then and do slow shopping, some lunch etc. I bet it was a nice day

  2. Solo road trip sounds like the perfect day out and I'm sure you enjoyed it. Sometimes I go to the city alone, without anyone annoying me! LOL Love that Santa fabric.

  3. Sounds like a lovely day out for yourself. I enjoy my solo visits to Grad Girl. It's a long drive, but I can listen to my favorite CDs and stop where and when I want. I enjoy traveling with My Guy too, but it's nice to have those pockets of just alone time.

  4. Nice purchases! The retro Santa print is really cute!


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