
Tuesday, December 5, 2023

To Do Tuesday - mystery clue #2 & more

Clue #2 for Indigo Way (Bonnie Hunter mystery) is complete.  I'm only doing 8 sets of each clue, and will decide later if more will happen. 

This clue was an easy one to do using the Tri Recs ruler set.  I've used this ruler set for dozens and dozens of Twinkle Star blocks and other projects. It's a favorite of mine.  

And because I can't resist following a squirrel, I did make ONE - and only 1 - God's Eye block.  I saw this block on a blog this past week, and immediately had a desire to try it out.  The Patchwork Square website is one I've used fairly often for block patterns, but I hadn't noticed this one before.
The pattern has multiple sizes including a 16" version - which I should have made because it would make a great pillow.  I made a 12" block.  This is one that takes some concentration to avoid mistakes.  Ask me how I know that!  The finished product is very striking, but I have no idea whether or not I'll make more.  The fabrics I used were all "leftovers" from other projects, and I've put them away for now in the same project box with the pattern and the block - just in case. 

Using up some more scraps that were already on the cutting table needs to be a higher priority than it really is lately,  But these 3 Zipper blocks joined the 8 already hanging in the closet.  

On the agenda for today?  I am going to a funeral this morning for the mother of one of my sisters-in-law, and then I have the afternoon in a quiet house.  My husband has gone to a client meeting and won't be back until tomorrow.  My plan is to finish the 2 pillowcases for one grandson and start the others.


  1. Congrats on finishing off clue 2, I'm still stitching on mine. It took me a bit to get back into a groove with the tri-recs ruler, I've not used mine in a long while. Your God's Eye blocks is really dynamic. It would make a great center for a medallion quilt.

  2. I'm walking along Indigo Way, too -- nearly done with #2. Oh, that God's Eye block is terrific! I'm tempted.....


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