
Tuesday, January 9, 2024

A possible squirrel - or two

I've participated in the Rainbow Scrap Challenge for several years, and it's one of my favorite online things. Every Saturday the host Angela posts a "linky party" for folks to share what they've been working on in the color of the month - or just anything they're making.  I've gotten so much inspiration from the wonderful creative things in those weekly posts.

This was the squirrel I just HAD to follow this weekend - the Loose Goose. Sylvia at Treadlestitches blog shared her 3-D Loose Goose blocks, including a link for a brief tutorial on how to make them.  The pattern was in a book by Mary Ellen Hopkins some years ago, and Sylvia had attended a lecture by Hopkins and loved these blocks from the book.  I'm sharing Sylvia's link below - and I searched Amazon and found the book can be found used.

The first 5 Loose Goose blocks were quickly made.  These are adorable and so easy!  Plus they could be made in any size you wanted - so of course I made more, including 3 bigger ones.  The small ones will finish at 2" x 4", and the bigger ones will finish at 3" x 6".

And the other squirrel I followed?  

Next up was Night Vision - a pattern I had saved over a year ago.  Note - this was my practice block, and notice it doesn't look like the picture. That's because I put the dark triangles onto the wrong side of those Flying Geese.  Oops!  

A second block had to be made - correctly this time. Also note the little 4.5" pinwheels that I made with the trimmed triangles from each block. Waste not, want not.  

Laying both blocks side by side has me thinking that maybe they could work well together in the same project.  Or the wrong one could go into a separate project. 

I'm always looking for something new and fun to add to the RSC sewing, and both Loose Goose and Night Vision will be fun in 2024.  

BTW - The pattern sheet for Night Vision is my own document that I created with the designer info I got when I googled the block, plus the cutting instructions.   Info copied from one site - "The block first appeared in the Quilters Newsletter publication and Nancy Zieman used it in a block of the month program many years ago."


  1. Love your green and black color scheme for these blocks. Looking forward to seeing these in the rest of the rainbow.

  2. Oh, I like the Night Vision block!

  3. I remember those loose goose blocks from many years ago, never made any though. Loving your bright green blocks.

  4. The blocks are pretty and look like they would be fun to make.

  5. Oh those squirrels! lol Pretty green/black blocks, love the color combo.

  6. Wow those are some pretty green blocks!


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