
Sunday, January 14, 2024

Days 3 and 4 - bitter cold

 We're surviving the arctic blast but it sure hasn't been how we planned to spend the weekend. 

Because the wind has howled most all day, most all of southern South Dakota issued No Travel warnings by afternoon.  That -10 with -38 windchill was the warm part of the day.  By this morning it's supposed to be -20 actual temps.  At 6:30 last night the wind chill was -47.

Poor Ella - she hasn't been very enthusiastic about going outside to go potty, even in her warm winter coat.  Granddaughter Sophia has been really good about taking her out with no complaints.

Other than the few blocks I sewed on Friday, this Quilt of Valor has been my main project.  I finally got the binding hand stitched and finished by supper time Saturday.  This one was a top donated to our group by a QOV group in Minnesota, and quilted by our new SD state coordinator Gail.  It's very pretty, and will hopefully be awarded fairly soon to a veteran. 

I have a crib sized quilt to bind as well, and then today I'm hoping to add the outer borders to one of the other projects I have with me.  Maybe I'll get more sewing done today since it's way too cold to leave the house if we don't have to.  


  1. Binding a quilt is a great way to stay warm in this kind of weather. We are -2 this morning, but we don't have the really strong winds, thankfully. Enjoy your stitching time, stay warm!

  2. Bitter cold in Laramie as well. I stayed in all day yesterday: today it’s snowing. Love the new QOV.

  3. Ridiculously cold. I don't blame the dog not wanting to go out!!

  4. Poor Ella, Little Elvis doesn't like the cold weather either. Pretty quilt!

  5. Oh my goodness - that's cold! Poor dog! Your QOV is a beautiful one - it would be very enjoyable to sew the binding on that one.


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