
Wednesday, January 31, 2024


 I'm quite blown away with the generosity of people, especially my friends.

A long time "blogging friend" Connie is not a quilter, but she is a very creative person. She crochets, does wood working, and makes her own cards, including the one she tucked in with this fabulous piece of fabric she gifted to me recently.  Isn't this gorgeous? Thank you my friend. It's waiting for inspiration on a project, but I know it will need to be the focus of whatever I make.

Another generous friend is Moneik.  We originally met through blogging, but have actually met in person several times over the years now. She is also SDSU alumni, and although she's more my daughters' age we've enjoyed getting to know each other.  Look at the jam packed box of purple Royal Crown bags she sent!!  I sent her all the green and peach ones I had and she offered to trade for some purple ones she had collected. Added to the ones I already had, there should be more than enough for a future Royal Crown quilt for my husband.  Thank you Moneik!!

Our Quilt of Valor group benefitted this week from the generosity of a donation. One of our members lined up a nice size donation from Thrivent.  We decided that we could use backings for some of the tops we have finished, so we met at the local quilt shop to spend our money.  We bought enough backing fabric for at least 4 quilts.  

And thanks to the added generosity of The Pin Cushion quilt shop - thank you Brenda - our purchase power increased with the discount she offers on QOV fabrics.  So the top couple of fabrics are to kit up blocks for members to sew for a new quilt top.   

Where would we all be if not for the generosity of others?  Thank you ladies!!!!


  1. That poppy fabric is very pretty. It is nice to have friends (and family) that get your hobby and help our efforts.

  2. Beautiful gift fabrics! I’m pondering a project for the poppy fabric from Connie. I thought about a border, but think it needs to be the focus fabric instead.

  3. Wow! Lovely fabrics you've got there. And isn't it wonderful to be able to get backings for your QoV quilts?


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