
Sunday, January 21, 2024

Goals for a new week

Now that I'm home, and caught up with laundry I'm trying to get organized for this week's sewing projects.  I need my list, right? Anyone who knows me, knows that I'm a nerdy list-maker. Lists and spreadsheets keep me happy.

One task I tackled on Saturday morning while doing laundry, was to carry my sewing stuff back down to put things away.  I took a lot of projects and equipment with me while kid sitting. 

The project box for the finished 2023 Saturday Sampler still had all of the leftover bits and pieces, including some extra block units.  The big pieces went back into the stash, and the small pieces went into the scrap bins - or was cut into useful sizes.  I even found enough of some to make a couple of RSC blocks this coming week. 

  1. Prep and attach the binding for the green Sewcialites quilt 
  2. Begin the Giddy Up Quick Strippee quilt (already kitted up)
  3. Make 2 zippered pouches with mermaid print
  4. Contact 2 Quilt of Valor nominees to schedule awards
Notice the one new project on my list for this week?  When I was packing up last week, I noticed a really cute fat quarter in the Blue stash drawer.  I layed it out before leaving so it wouldn't be forgotten.  While I was sewing the little 10" pouch last week, my brain was thinking I could use this to make 2 zippered pouches for my granddaughters who both do swim team.  There is enough to use for the fronts of the pouches. There may be enough of some aqua fabrics in the stash to match the fish color.  And I know I have zippers in the drawer.  

This afternoon the plan is getting together with some friends and playing some cards.  And we're supposed to finally have a day that isn't deeply below zero.  


  1. It always feels good to get back home and organized again. Happy stitching!

  2. Glad you've recovered from the time away. Good luck with your plans for this week. We get a warm up starting tomorrow, sounds like you are getting one too. But we first have to survive a wave of freezing rain before the temps warm up.

  3. Welcome home! It’s always satisfying to finish the laundry and put things away before starting something new. The blue fabrics will make nice pouches for your granddaughters.

  4. Glad your kids got back home and thus you got back home! You certainly managed to pack a lot of sewing into the week away.

  5. Glad you are home safe and sound. That is a great piece of old swimsuit material!


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