
Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Stay At Home Round Robin - round 1

 It's not a FULL round, but it's a start.

The center block was squared up to 12.5" before I added the red floral border.  That brought it up to a 14.5" square.  The round #1 prompt was to add signature blocks.  Mine are 2.5" signature blocks.  I'm not sure if I want to put the signature blocks on all 4 sides, just 2 sides - opposite, or around a corner - or just leave it as is.  Right now I'm leaning toward adding the same section on the opposite side for balance.  I'm usually more comfortable with symmetry. LOL


  1. You've got a great start on this year's SAHRR. I think adding it to the top or bottom would be cute too, that's a different type of balance.

  2. That's so cute already! I love the 30s prints you're using. These SAHRR projects take some thinking and experimenting!

  3. Will be fun to see what you decide to do - it's looking good as is!

  4. I like what you have so far. Your fan lady is leaning into the signature border. In my opinion, this demonstrates good balance.

  5. Oh, what a cute center block!

  6. I love that floral around your center and how the signature blocks have those little peeks of colors from the dress.

  7. That is so cute. I put round 1 only on the bottom! As you said, for now!🙂

  8. You are working on a most adorable dresden lady !

  9. This is such a pretty block. I wonder what you will decide...

  10. gosh I love her, and would enjoy seeing that row all the way around I think... it's a great spacer/continuation.

  11. I like what you did and look forward to seeing your decisions as the prompts keep coming!


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