
Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Retreat projects & reorganizing

Most of the projects I worked on at retreat needed some finishing once I got home, such as quilting or binding, or borders.  As I finish those up I'll share them here. 

The second 12" mini quilt from retreat is for the month of March. Yesterday I added the little applique in the middle, quilted it and bound it.  

The 16-patch blocks using 1.5" squares was something I saw online earlier this month and just couldn't resist making.  The red and green ones happened last week.  Before the retreat I bagged up a bunch of postage stamp squares, and during the retreat these were perfect Leaders/Enders.  The 10 new 16-patch blocks all were made at the retreat.  They are 4.5" unfinished. 

And this is how I plan to use them . . . as the center of Churn Dash blocks.  I think these will make a really pretty quilt eventually. 

Several games of Left, Right, Center were played at retreat, using fat quarters as our currency.  I won 24 fat quarters.  So pretty and so many possibilities!

A couple of them were pulled out with immediate plans, and the other 22 were added to the newly organized bin that is still way too full of fat quarters.  What can I say?  I have a weakness for buying fat quarters whenever there is a shop hop. 

Yesterday I pulled out the big grey tote that was hiding under the table (needed for retreat) in my sewing room to see what was in it.  Yikes!!  Lots of scraps, orphan blocks, bags of scraps left from OLD projects, odds n ends of yardage, a few patterns, and several gallon Ziplock bags holding the parts of UFOs that I had abandoned.  Again - yikes!!  

The purging needs to begin NOW because that tote is NOT going back into the sewing room.  I've already sorted out a couple of things that will go to guild to hopefully be adopted by someone.  I plan to keep this tote out and work on it gradually until it is empty.  That may take me weeks, but I'm determined to make it happen. 


  1. I love your churn dash blocks with the 16 Patch middles. I need to do the same thing you are doing... sort, organize and purge! The other day I pulled out a box from a cabinet and found a finished quilt top with the backing fabric! I had totally forgotten about it. That will be finished soon.

  2. good idea to purge now and then - good luck

  3. Love those churn dashes!! so happy and colorful!!
    and your St Pattys Mini!! Too cute

  4. I deem your retreat a success!! You got home with lots of progress, and I am sure many memories.

  5. Your March mini is really cute! The 16 patch blocks are really cute. Very fun idea to use them with the churn dash setting. Good luck with the bin clean up. Even if it takes you week's, you'll be so glad you tackled it. I need to get back to my sewing room reorg, but that needs to wait till the SAHRR is over.

  6. That spinning mini is such a great design, Sara. And I like the 16-patches as a center for the churn dashes. Oh, that tote....I have discovered several caches of blocks that I didn't realize I'd made. They're lying in wait for us.


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