
Sunday, February 11, 2024

This n that . . .

Saturday was an awesome "quilty" day, even though no actual sewing happened.  In the morning was the Show n Tell for the 2023 Saturday Sampler.  Lots and lots of really lovely Show n Tell.  And there was a reveal of the new program starting in March.  I even won a door prize!

In the afternoon our Sew Vintage group met.  One of our main discussions was WHY we quilt. Everyone seemed to agree - we love the community aspect as we've all connected with such wonderful people through quilting.  And it's a relaxing creative outlet, give us feelings of accomplishment.  Most of us have a family connection - a mother or grandmother who got us started.  Our group - with ages from 30s to 80s - really enjoys our little quilting community.

I found backings for 2 UFO quilts, and left them in the hands of the long arm quilter.  And as always, I came home with ideas swirling in my head. 

Recently I've been doing a lot of thinking about projects that have been forgotten or neglected.  On my UFO list is a partial set of blocks using some of the Row By Row Experience fabric license plates that I collected over about a 3 year period.  Honestly, I thought I had about 30 of the license plates in a project bin.  LOL  Talk about under estimation!!  I dumped them out of the bin yesterday and counted - 61.  Holy moly!!!  

I had to go back in my blog to find this, but in 2020 I was making these car blocks using the license plates.  There are 7 of them, in various stages of applique.  All are fused on, but not all have been blanket stitched yet.  This project has been on my UFO list ever since, with no progress made at all.  

Hmmmm . . . maybe it's time to keep it on my radar for 2024.  And yes, there are ideas swirling in my head on how to use some of these.

Today I hope to get back to the pink and red hearts for the Valentine project I’ve been working on so I can finish the top before the end of the week.


  1. Sounds like you had a fun day with like minded friends. Those license plates are really fun, looking forward to seeing what you do with those. Happy stitching this week, hopefully work won't slow you down too much.

  2. wow 61 is a LOT! i only have 5 and recently pulled them out and formulated a plan to use them...hate the thought of them just sitting in a binder any longer...


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