
Tuesday, February 6, 2024

To Do Tuesday

The Stay At Home Round Robin is getting into my head again this year.  I'm definitely over thinking the design choices.

My brain loves scrappy, but does NOT seem to like lack of symmetry.  So I really struggled with these first 2 rounds of the SAHRR.  I tried those signature blocks on just 1 side. Nope!  Tried them on 2 sides.  That was better.  Then I added them to the other 2 sides - and realized I couldn't make those white diagonals line up "properly".  The result isn't awful, but not looking how I envisioned it.

With the Round 2 prompt to use just 2 colors I decided to make 2 of the sides using 2 different strips - yellow and white.  And I did the math to make those line up with the white in the signature blocks on the other 2 sides.  I'm actually much happier with this.  It's asymmetrical, but with some balance.  And the strips of signature blocks I took off will get used in some other project.  

This week's prompt was triangles.  I added a row of 3-D Loose Goose blocks.  Who knows - I just may end up making more of the Loose Goose blocks and have them going across the top too.  I think that would keep my brain from over thinking the whole symmetry thing again. LOL

I'm linking up this week's SAHRR host . . .


  1. Your quilt is coming along nicely. I like it's old fashion charm, which is enhanced by your fabric choices.

  2. You definitely can get led down a rabbit hole with the SAHRR, just ask me how many versions I mock up each week. LOL!! But I do like what you have going on, so kudos for using your creative flair to bring it to life.

  3. Your Dresden lady is wonderful! Great choice for SAHRR.

  4. I like where your RR is heading. Sometimes it's hard to let go what we are taught and jump outside the box with asymmetry, but it seems every time I do and show it people really like it.

  5. such a sweet project....loving all the fabric choices and oh those geese!

  6. I had the same problem with my signature blocks not lining up at the corners, so had to come up with a filler block for the sides with an uneven block count. Your asymmetric layout with the two color border works too. Love your flying geese. You've done a great job of carrying over the colors in the center block out to the borders.

  7. This is really turning out cute! I like the flying geese border!

  8. Oh, I really like where this is going. I think symmetry is tricky since we don’t have an overall plan at the outset, but isn’t this fun?

  9. I think we all overthink the different rounds. I like the changes you made to yours, and the new row definitely adds a nice note. (I also really love that center block!)

  10. It's annoying to have to unpick but worth it to get it how you want it. It is very beautiful :)

  11. I like the "loosy goosy" triangles! I am with you, I struggle with asymmetrical designs. Yours looks great so far!


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