
Tuesday, February 13, 2024

To Do Tuesday

 Today is annual mammogram day, so the only sewing I get done will need to be this morning.  There are a couple of things on my list for this week.

First on my list is to fix my OOPS on this Dutchman's Puzzle.  When I'm in a hurry, the attention to detail slips.  Notice those red flying geese pointing IN?  They are supposed to be pointing out.  The quarters have been separated again, and resewing those together will be my first task today.

Second task?  Figuring out a plan for adding prompt #4, which is Square in a Square.  I have no idea in mind yet.  

What's next?  Choosing some backings and sandwiching a couple of small projects that I plan to quilt myself.  This is Better Together, and I did manage to finish the top on Monday, so it's ready to quilt.  This is about 22 x 34" so it should be manageable.  I have striped binding to add to it once it's quilted.

If I do get this quilted in the next week, then I plan to pull another small item to quilt.  Clearing out some of these projects is my priority right now.  


  1. hope the mammogram goes smoothly I got mine done last month.

  2. I love your Valentine quilt with the love birds. It's so cute. Even though I'm not a fan of 30's fabrics, your round robin is beautiful. I love the off set borders. Great things are happening in your sewing room!

  3. Great projects! The local hospital has a backlog of mammogram appointments as it is down to one technician. I had to wait three months to schedule an appointment

  4. Wishing you all the best with the mammogram this morning, Sara. You have some very yummy projects to work on. Enjoy your week in the sewing room.

  5. At least you caught the error before you had the blocks all assembled into a top. Lots of options for square in a square with your SAHRR. Even just a another plain border with those in the corners would work. Better Together is really cute, love that heart border. Hopefully once you get your exam appointment over, you'll have plenty of stitching time the rest of the week.

  6. You have some nice projects in the works:)


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