
Friday, February 9, 2024

Two more vinyl bags

Two more vinyl zipper project bags are finished, and these might be the cutest of all of the ones I've made this week.   

The Valentine version turned out so cute.  I had quite a bit of the print, so it's on the back as well as the inside front.  There is still some of it left - maybe enough for a smaller bag. 

This cherry and strawberry print was in my 30s reproduction stash and I couldn't resist pulling it out for this bag.  I used the green gingham that around the zipper on the back too.   The zipper section looks really wonky in this picture, but in reality it's completely straight. 

I've put the vinyl away, and tucked the pattern into the appropriate binder on the shelf.  It's time to get back to finishing some UFOs.  But these bags won't be the last of the new projects I promise. 


  1. All the bags have been really cute, but I agree the Valentine version is really fun and cute. It's nice to take a break and clean the palette a bit before you dive in for another round of UFO finishes.

  2. oh my the valentine one is sooo cute! they both are but the valentiney one is my fave...

  3. That Valentine's bag is just the cutest!! Thanks for linking your projects with TGIFF this week!

  4. Hi Sara! I haven't seen the other vinyl bags you've made this week. However, these are pretty darn stickin' cute. I love the pink and white one!! OMG. The red truck and the camper plus Be Mine?!! Who wouldn't love to receive that? Who cares what you put inside - the bag is adorbs. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

  5. So cute! I bought the pattern and the vinyl but haven't tackled the project yet. Hoping to get to it, like you, after I finish some UFO's.


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