
Monday, March 4, 2024

Design Wall Monday - March 4

 What's on your design wall today?

The most important items on my design wall this week are binding a UFO quilt and assembling the main section of another scrappy UFO quilt.  I have a bunch of other projects in various stages, but I really want to focus on these 2 things first.

The elephant blocks are coming together nicely.  The top 5 rows (2 elephant rows) are all done.  I'm setting these 4 across and 5 down with simple 2.5" sashing and cornerstones.  

The binding is prepped to attach to the Small Hearts quilt.  Since the single large heart is aqua I pulled an aqua from the stash to make the binding.  

Once the elephants are assembled and that binding attached, then I need to get back to work on a couple of things I keep setting aside.  That big grey tote still isn't empty yet, and there are 2 other scrappy quilts needing binding.  Not to mention the quilting on Better Together and the applique on the Easter door hanger, and lots more.  


  1. better get that binding done and you will have some finished quilts

  2. Those elephants are such fun. That's going to be a wonderfully whimsical quilt. Good luck with your two priorities for the week. It will feel good to get them to the next stage.

  3. You found the perfect sashing and cornerstones for those colorful elephants! That's going to make a fun quilt. Have a great week with these projects!

  4. Happy to see your elephants are behaving and NOT stampeding! I'm sure that you will get the binding done in a jiffy so you can move your other projects along. :)

  5. The elephants are beautiful and well-behaved. It is the squirrels that are wreaking havoc, right? Have a sew wonderful week.


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