
Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Home again . . .

 First of all . . . it's good to be home again after a 5 day college basketball "vacation" with extended family.  It's an annual thing - fun of course, but it's still good to be home again.

 And even more important, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to granddaughter Sophia!  She's the taller one on the left with the white Jackrabbit hat.  We took this photo sometime over the weekend, but she did get to skip out of school a little early yesterday and come to the championship games too. She loves watching basketball and had fun hanging out with everyone.

Back to the reason for being gone for 5 days - college basketball.  We are big fans and have season tickets for South Dakota State University basketball.  The past 5 days were the conference tournament. Both teams, men and women, were seeded #1 and managed to win their championships.  The women's team overcame losing 2 starters for the season to major injuries and went undefeated in the Summit League conference. Actually the women haven't lost to a conference team since 2022.  

On to the NCAA tournament now in about a week, although we'll be watching on TV and NOT traveling to where ever those games will be.

As we got home last night a bit after midnight, today will be devoted to laundry, grocery shopping, and just generally getting caught up with real life again.  On a side note - I've been able to read all the blogs I follow (via my phone) while gone, but couldn't comment on any.  


  1. What a good time for you to spend with family!

  2. Happy birthday to Sophia! And congrats to the basketball team. Hope you've gotten all caught up on the home chores that built up while away and can get back to your sewing room.


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