
Sunday, March 10, 2024

Hoping for Spring

Time to remove the winter decor around the house, to encourage Spring to arrive.  Before leaving for the basketball tournament, I did a little switch out.

My mom's treadle machine is a really good spot for some seasonal decor.  

I have 2 favorite Easter table runners that I'll put out later in the month. But in the meantime the wooden bunny family is guarding the dining room table.  


  1. The table toppers are springy. We had snow this morning, not much spring happening in northern Indiana.

  2. Enjoy the basketball games this weekend. The only bunnies we have around here are the ones that are hopping around the yard in the mornings.

  3. I love the look of a treadle machine and I always wished I would have gotten my grandmothers machine. The horrible thing is I have no clue where the machine disappeared to. After my grandfather died in the 60's my grandmother moved in with my aunt and I have a feeling it was sold or given away. I never saw it again and wasn't in to sewing at the time (I was only 12) so never gave it a thought back then


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